- Geopolitics of International Relations in the 21st Century / Géopolitique des relations internationals au XXIe siècle, 2020, © Manlio Graziano
- Geopolitica. Orientarsi nel grande disordine internazionale, Il Mulino, May 2019 (Geopolitics: Finding Bearings in the Great International Disorder, translation in progress for Routledge, London)
- L’isola al centro del mondo: Una geopolitica degli Stati Uniti, Il Mulino, 2018 (The Island at the Center of the World: A Geopolitics of the United States, translation in progress for Palgrave-MacMillan, New York)
- What is A Border?, Stanford University Press, 2018
- Holy Wars and Holy Alliance: The Return of Religion to the Global Political Stage, Columbia University Press, April 2017
- In Rome We Trust: The Rise of Catholics in American Political Life, Stanford University Press, March 2017
- Frontiere, Il Mulino, Bologna, January 2017
- In Rome We Trust. Cattolici e vita politica americana, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016
- Lufta e shenjte dhe e shenjta aleance. Fete dhe trazira nderkombetare ne shekullin XXI, Tirana, Saras, 2015
- Guerra santa e santa alleanza. Religioni e disordine internazionale nel XXI secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015
- Essential Geopolitics: A Handbook, © Manlio Graziano, 2011 (in English and in French). Also in Kindle version on,,,,,
- El siglo católico. La estrategia geopolítica de la Iglesia, RBA Libros, Barcelona, 2012
- Il secolo cattolico. La strategia geopolitica della Chiesa, Laterza editore, Rome, 2010
- The Failure of Italian Nationhood: The Geopolitics of a Troubled Identity, Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, 2010 (paperback: 2013)
- Senza nazione? Geopolitica di un’identità difficile, Donzelli editore, Rome, 2007
- L’Italie. Un État sans nation ? Géopolitique d’une identité nationale incertaine, Ed. Eres, Ramonville, Bibliothèque géopolitique, 2007
- Identité italienne et identité catholique. L’Italie laboratoire de l’Église,L’Harmattan, Paris, 2007
- (Editor) L’Italie aujourd’hui. Situation et perspectives après le séisme des années quatre-vingt-dix, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2004
Chapters in Books
- Frontiere, in Enciclopedia Italiana di Lettere, Scienze e Arti – X Appendice, Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana – Treccani, 2020
- Identità, in Enciclopedia Italiana di Lettere, Scienze e Arti – X Appendice, Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana – Treccani, 2020
- The Next Middle Ages: Religion and Political Culture, in Jeffrey Haynes (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Political Parties, London, Routledge, 2019
- “Mare Nostrum” in a Multipolar World: A Geopolitical Analysis of a Superfluity of Claims, in Mario Mignone (ed.) The Idea of the Mediterranean, Stony Brook, Forum Italicum Publishing, 2017
- Europe’s Solidarity Trap, “Limes” April 16, 2020
- Viral Debt. Who Will Pay for theWar Against Covid, and Until When? “Limes” March 23, 2020
- Le religioni nella dimensione geopolitica, Coscienza e Libertà, n. 57/58, 2019
- Il compito della geopolitica, “Nuova informazione bibliografica”, Il Mulino, Year XVI, September-December 2019
- Il medioevo prossimo venturo: Religione e cultura politica (II), “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Spring 2019
- Il medioevo prossimo venturo: Religione e cultura politica (I), “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Winter 2018
- America’s Decline Is Relative but Real—and Potentially Dangerous, “Zocalo Public Square”, March 9, 2018
- Great again? Gli Stati Uniti tra ambizioni sconsiderate e declino relativo, “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Spring 2018
- Borders and Barriers, Stanford University Press Blog, February 27, 2018
- Le frontiere: un oggetto volubile e capriccioso, “Nuova informazione bibliografica”, Il Mulino, Year XV, n. 1, January-March 2018
- Venti di sovranismo contro la globalizzazione, in “Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2017”, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, Rome, 2015
- Medio Oriente, “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Fall 2017
- From the Vote to the Vatican, Stanford University Press Blog, May 27, 2017
- L’alibi religioso del terrorismo, “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Winter 2017
- L’Occidente non esiste, “Gnosis”, Italian Review of Intelligence, Fall 2016
- L’importanza di essere cattolico, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, November 2016
- The Long Crisis of the Nation-State and the Rise of Religions to the Public Stage, “Philosophy & Social criticism”, vol. 42, n. 4-5, May-June 2016
- Dieci tesi sulla guerra e la Francia, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, November 2015
- La strategia geopolitica di papa Francesco, “Quaderni laici”, n. 15-16, April- September 2015
- Guerre del quarto tipo, in “Treccani. Il libro dell’anno 2015”, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, Rome, 2015
- La guerra santa, “Nuova informazione bibliografica”, Il Mulino, Year XII, n. 2 / April-June 2015
- La lunga marcia dei cattolici americani, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, May 2015
- C’era una volta la civiltà, “Il Mulino”, Review of Culture and Politics, Year LXIV, n. 478, 2/15
- Francesco, tra maschera e volto, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, March 2014
- Santa Madre Chiesa rilancia a tutto campo, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2013
- Dio torna a tracciare le sue frontiere, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, November 2012
- États-Unis. La catholicisation à l’époque du “shift of power”, “Diploweb”, October 24, 2012
- Would A More Catholic United States Better Cope With the Impending Geopolitical Shift of Power? “International Affairs Forum”, Center for International Relations, Washington DC, November 8, 2012
- Towards a Geopolitics of Democracy, “Heartland”, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, September 2012; “International Affairs Forum”, Center for International Relations, Washington DC, August 3, 2012
- La Francia al di là dello specchio, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, June 2012
- La sbornia triste, «America Oggi», May 9, 2012
- Geopolitica della democrazia, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2012
- “La Chiesa Cattolica”, in Atlante geopolitico Treccani, Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, Rome, 2011
- Come riunire i franchi dell’est e dell’ovest, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, September 2011
- Lo stivale senza stringhe, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, May 2011
- La guerra imperfetta di Parigi, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, April 2011
- L’Italia pirandelliana. Stanche celebrazioni per i 150 anni dell’Unità mettono in scena il dramma dello scambio d’identità, “America Oggi 7”, New York, March 13, 2011
- Modello turco per il Nordafrica, “Il Sole 24 Ore”, February 18, 2011
- L’Italie o si odia o si ama,“Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, December 2010
- Italy Seen From France, or the Complexity of Family Relations, “Modern Italy”, Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Cambridge Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2010
- Will the New World Order Be Catholic? The Pope’s Divisions in the Global Turmoil, “Heartland”, Eurasian Review of Geopolitics, July 2010
- Europa magistra mundi: la grande strategia della Chiesa di Roma, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, October 2009
- Geopolitical Aspects of Societal Development and Economic Crisis, Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Mannheim, in
- Europa magistra mundi: la grande strategia della Chiesa di Roma, “Limes”, Italian Journal of Geopolitics, October 2009
- Sainte alliance vs guerre sainte dans la Méditerranée, “Outre-terre”, n. 23, October 2009
- All’origine della questione settentrionale, “Limes”, Italian Geopolitical Journal, February, 2009
- Disinteresse nazionale. Caso Alitalia e questione identitaria, “America Oggi 7”, New York, September 28, 2008
- Geopolitica e geoeconomia nella determinazione della politica estera italiana, paper for the Congress of the Italian Society of Political Science, September 4-6, 2008
- Elezioni italiane. Perché hanno rivinto B&B, ”America Oggi 7”, New York, April 20, 2008
- La Chiesa e l’Europa, cinquant’anni di vantaggio, “Limes”, Italian Geopolitical Journal, 1/2008, February 2008
- L’Église catholique et la “théologie de la prospérité” en Amérique latine, “Outre-terre”, n. 18, février 2008
- The Rise and Fall of the “Mediterranean Atlanticism”. The case of the Near-East, “Modern Italy”, Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, Cambridge (UK), Vol. 12, No. 3, November 2007, pp. 287–308
- The Catholic Church and the “others”,”Geopolitical Affairs”, n. 2, June 2007
- L’Église catholique et “les autres”,”Outre-terre”,n. 17, May 2007
- Perché, di preciso, gli americani sono andati in Irak, “Limes”, Italian Geopolitical Journal, June 2006
- Zhōngguó : la Chine au centre du monde. Même pour l’Église catholique, “Outre-terre”,n. 15, June 2006
- Rome : variations sur l’équidistance, “Outre-terre”,n. 13, January 2006
- (Ne pas) enseigner la nation (italienne), “Outre-terre”,n. 12, octobre 2005