Book Publications:

•          Geopolitics of China’s New Silk Road: Return of Geography and Reset of the Historical Clock, Rome (Aracne), 2021.

•          20 Years of OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security. A Commemorative Study on the History, Development, Achievements and Outreach of the OSCE Key Document for Politico-Military Norms and Principles on Armed and Security Forces, (co-editor with Prasenjit Chaudhuri and Thomas Schmidt), Bern, Swiss Armed Forces, Armed Forces Staff, International Relations D, 2014.

•          Democratic Civilian Control of Armed Forces in the Post-Cold War Era, Berlin/London/Wien/Münster/Zürich (LIT: DCAF), 2009.

•          Jacques -Alexis Lambert: Professeur de Lénine, Témoignage de la Révolution Russe, «Suisses dans le Monde», no. 4, Edition de Penthes/Infolio, Geneva 2009.

•          Democratic Governance of the Security Sector Beyond the OSCE Area: Regional Approaches in Africa and the Americas (co-editor with Victor-Yves Ghebali), Berlin/London/Wien/Münster/Zürich (LIT: DCAF), 2007.

•          The OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security: Anatomy and Implementation (co-author with Victor-Yves Ghebali), Leiden/Boston (Martinus Nijhoff), 2005.

•          Menschenrechte und Ihre Philosophische Begründung: Ein Vergleich Zwischen Otfried Höffe und Jürgen Habermas, ISBN 2-8399-0070-X, Zürich/Genf, 1997/2005.

Main Academic Article Publications:

•          Deployment of Armed Forces During the Coronavirus Crisis: Perspectives from the OSCE Code of Conduct, (with Filip Ejdus and Thomas Schmidt) OSCE Insights, January 2021.

•          Geopolitische und strategische Aspekte Russlands, Unser Mitteleuropa, 13 September 2020.

•          Eurasien und die Weltinsel: Zur Bedeutung der politischen Geographie, Unser Mitteleuropa, 29 August 2020.

•          Politische Geographie: Fallstudie Russland, StephanOssenkopp,

•          Hybrid Military-Police Force (with Daniil Atroshchenko), The CoESPU Magazine, Vizenca, 2019 (February), pp. 56-58.

•          From Civil-Military Relations Towards Security Sector Governance, European Political Science, 10/2011: Symposium of the European Consortium of Political Research, pp. 157-166.

•          International Security, Nigel Young (Editor in Chief), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace: Oxford, 2010: Vol. 4, pp. 25-32.

•          Democracy by Force, James Forest & Isaiah Wilson (eds. / Westpoint), Handbook of Defense Politics: International and Comparative Perspectives, Routledge 2008, 46-63.

•          Jacques Alexis Lambert: Lenins Französischlehrer aus Neuenburg, Eva Meader und Peter Niederhäuser (Hg.), Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich, Band 75, (172. Neujahrsblatt), Zürich (Chronos) 2008, pp. 194-211.

•          Comprehensive Security in Response to New Threats, in: Alexandre Vautravers (ed.): Globalization of Security Trends and Perspectives (Security Forum 2007), Geneva (Webster University), 2008, 214-239.

•          Democratic Security Governance and Multilateral Cooperation: The European Approach, in: Vincent Chetail (ed.): Conflicts, Security and Cooperation (Liber Amicorum Victor-Yves Ghébali), Brussels: Bruylant, 2007, 429-446.

•          Implementation of Democratic Control of Armed Forces in the OSCE Region: Lessons from the OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Occasional Papers: No. 11, Geneva, 2006.

•          Les interventions militaires de l’Union Européenne dans les Balkans, in : Revue Relations Internationales, No. 125 (2006), 59-72.

•          Categorization of Democratic Civilian Control, DCAF, Working Papers, No. 164 (2005).

•          OSZE-Verhaltenskodex zu Politisch-Militärischen Aspekten der Sicherheit: Zur Rolle der Streitkräfte in Demokratischen Gesellschaften, Center for Security Studies (CSS), Zürcher Beiträge (No. 71), Zurich, 2004.

•          The Contribution of the OSCE to the International Fight Against Terrorism, Graduate Institute, Program for the Study of International Organizations, Occasional Paper 1 (2003), pp. 111-124.