David CRIEKEMANS / Member of Scientific Council
Mr. Criekemans holds a PhD on Geopolitical Schools of Thought and Master degrees in Political and Social Sciences (International Politics) from the University of Antwerp, and European Master of Public Administration from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Currently, he is Assistant Professor in “Belgian and Comparative Foreign Policy” at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He has taught Geopolitics at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels. Main research areas of Dr. Criekemans’ are: geopolitical schools of thought, geopolitics of energy, regionalism and sub-state diplomacy. In 2007, he published among others, “Geopolitiek, ‘geografisch geweten’ van de buitenlandse politiek?” [Transl. “Geopolitics, ‘Geographic Consciousness’ of Foreign Policy?”], Published by House Garant/Maklu (Antwerp), an in-depth study of the history of geopolitical thought from 1890 till present and “Regional Sub-state Diplomacy Today”, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Gyula CSURGAI / Director
Mr. Csurgai holds a Doctorate from the University of Geneva; Degree in Political Science from the University of Concordia (Canada) and the University of Toulouse (France); Postgraduate in European Studies from the European Institute at University of Geneva. Dr. Csurgai have been teaching Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Competitive Intelligence at different universities. His publications include among others: La nation et ses territoires en Europe centrale – Une approche géopolitique [Transl. “The Nation and Its Territories in Central Europe – A Geopolitical Approach”], (Peter Lang Publisher, Bern, 2005), Les Enjeux géopolitiques des ressources naturelles [Transl. “Geopolitical Stakes of Natural Ressources”] (Editions L’Age d’Homme Publisher, Lausanne, 2006), Geopolitics : Schools of Thought, Method of Analysis and Case Studies (Ed) (Editions de Penthes Publisher, Geneva, 2009), Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Analysis of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Issue (LAP Publisher, 2011).
Mohammad-Reza DJALILI / Member of Scientific Council
Mr. Djalili holds a Doctorate in Political and Diplomatic Sciences from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium; He was Professor at Graduate Institutes of International Studies and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Djalili is researcher and world-renowned scholar specialized on contemporary Iran, Conflicts in the Middle East and on the Geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucasus. His publications include among others: Géopolitique de la nouvelle Asie centrale : de la fin de l’URSS à l’après 11-septembre [Transl. “Geopolitics of New Central Asia: from the USSR’s end to Post-9/11”] (PUF Publisher, Paris, 2003), Géopolitique de l’Iran [Transl. “Geopolitics of Iran”] (Complexe Publisher, Paris, 2005), Histoire de l’Iran contemporain [Transl. “History of Contemporary Iran”] (La Découverte Publisher, Paris, 2010), Les Relations internationales [Transl. “International Relations”] (PUF Publisher, Paris, 2012), L’Iran et la Turquie face aux ‘printemps arabes’ [Transl. “Iran and Turkey faced with ‘Arab Springs‘”] (GRIP Publisher, Bruxelles, 2012).
Alexandre LAMBERT / Academic Director
Alexandre Lambert holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Dr. Lambert has been lead researcher on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) at the Graduate Institute, project officer at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), and a civil servant at the Swiss Federal Department of Defense. He also provides independent policy advice to the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC), including in the context of its regional operations in the Western Balkans, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. Dr. Lambert has published in the field of international politics and history and international security.
Bernard WICHT / Member of Scientific Council
Mr. Wicht holds a BA and a PhD in Law from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He was an expert appointed to the European Commission and President of the Culture Committee, Council of Europe. Mr. Wicht is currently Head of International Affairs of the Swiss Conference of the Heads of Cantonal Public Education. He is Professor of Strategic Studies at Lausanne University’s Institute of Political and International Studies. His publications include among others: L’Art de la guerre au XXIe siècle [Transl. “The Art of War in the 21st Century”] (Editions L’Age d’Homme Publisher, Lausanne, 1998), Guerre et hégémonie [Transl. “War and Hegemony”] (Georg Publisher, Geneva, 2002), “Etat failli et faillite de l’Etat: dimension stratégique de la lutte pour les ressources” [Transl. “Failed States and Failure of States: The Strategic Dimension of Resource Rivalries”] in Les Enjeux géopolitiques des ressources naturelles, CIEG, (Editions L’Age d’Homme Publisher, Lausanne, 2006), Une nouvelle Guerre de Trentre Ans ? – Réflexion et hypothèse sur la crise actuelle [Transl. “A New Thirty Years’ War; Reflections and Hypothesis on the Current Crisis”] (Le Polémarque Publisher, Nancy, 2011).
Manlio Graziano holds a doctorate from the University of Grenoble. He teaches Geopolitics at the American Graduate School of International Relations and Diplomacy in Paris, and at Sorbonne University. He also taught at the “École supérieure de Relations Internationales” in Lyon and the LUISS University in Rome. He is a member of the editorial staff for the journal Outre-terre (Paris) and for the journal Geopolitical Affairs (London), and frequently collaborates with Limes, the Italian Geopolitical Review. He published Essential Geopolitics: A Handbook, (2011, in English and in French); Il secolo cattolico. La strategia geopolitica della Chiesa, Rome, 2010; Barcelona, 2012; The Failure of Italian Nationhood: The Geopolitics of a Troubled Identity, Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, 2010; Italie, Un État sans nation? Géopolitique d’une identité nationale incertaine, Toulouse, 2007.
Alexandre VAUTRAVERS, Holds Doctorate in Social, Economic Sciences and History from the Geneva University and the University of Lyon 2, France. Mr. Vautravers is an expert on global arms development and trade, consultant for several Swiss media, scientific Director of Hepta aero. He leads research teams for the Swiss Academy of Science and Technology and the Swiss Military History Commission. He is also the Chief Editor of the Swiss Military Review (RMS); and collaborator of ICGS. Recent publications: [Transl.] “Swiss Air Force 90 years”, “Armament”, “The Future of War”. He has edited the “Security Forum” books, Webster University, Geneva, “Military and Political Incidents”, “Identity and Conflicts”, and “Information Warfare” among others. Dr. Vautravers has taught international relations and strategy at various universities in Switzerland. Currently he is Associate Professor at Webster University, Geneva.
Anselm ZURFLUH, graduated from the University of Nice, he holds two doctorates: one in history on “Historical demography and mentalities”; and the second one in ethnology. Specialized in Demography, Geopolitics, Anthropology, History of European Culture and Civilisation, he worked as Professor at the Stiftsschule Einsiedeln (1981-1989), and has been researcher, editor and publisher. He was also adviser in Educational Affairs at the Academy of Nice, and researcher at the Université d’Avignon. Between 2001 and 2017 Dr. Zurfluh was Director of the Institute and Museum of The Swiss Abroad in Geneva. He is author, editor and coordinator of several books and scientific publications in German, French and Italian.